
Stay updated on the latest news in building wealth

What is DRS?

September 18, 2021 |

Do you actually own your stock?  Think about your car or your…

Evergrande Scam

September 17, 2021 |

The editor-in-chief of state-backed Chinese newspaper Global Times warned debt-ridden property giant…


August 29, 2021 |

With us discussing total return swaps and portfolio swaps last time, we…

Portfolio Swaps

August 28, 2021 |

Now that we have discussed Total Return Swaps in our last post,…

Total Return Swaps

August 27, 2021 |

In our last post, we revisited the 2008 Financial Crisis.  The dedication…

2008 Revisited

August 14, 2021 |

Today’s topic covers the 2008 financial crisis so we can discuss how…

Inflation is Transitory?

July 11, 2021 |

Inflation is transitory? Or at least that is what we are being…

Length of Market Crashes

July 10, 2021 |

In our prior post, we discussed the History of Market Crashes (link). …

History of Market Crashes

July 9, 2021 |

The S&P 500 continues to hit all time highs, ending today (7/9/21)…

The Thief of PFOF

July 8, 2021 |

A few years ago, we discussed how $0 Commissions were a trap…

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